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                         GetTextSettings procedure

  DECLARATION:  GetTextSettings(Var TextInfo : TextSettingsType);

      PURPOSE:  Returns the current text font, size, direction, size
                and justification as set by SetTextStyle and SetTextJustify.

         UNIT:  Graph

      REMARKS:  The following Types and Constants are defined:

                   TextSettingsType = Record
                                         Font      : Word;
                                         Direction : Word;
                                         CharSize  : Word;
                                         Horiz     : Word;
                                         Vert      : Word;
                   DefaultFont   = 0;           { 8x8 bit mapped font }
                   TriplexFont   = 1;           { "Stroked" fonts }
                   SmallFont     = 2;
                   SansSerifFont = 3;
                   GothicFont    = 4;
                   HorizDir      = 0;           { Left to Right }
                   VertDir       = 1;           { Bottom to Top }

 RESTRICTIONS:  Must first be in graphics mode.

See Also: InitGraph SetTextJustify SetTextStyle TextHeight
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